Enhancing Educational Services and Outreach

Sustaining Operations

Ensuring highest artistic quality

Popejoy Hall Excellence Fund

Popejoy Hall Excellence Fund

The Popejoy Hall Excellence Fund is the first endowment created for programming, operations, and education. Endowment funding will help Stage Our Future and allow Popejoy Hall to maintain its tradition of excellence to ensure the broadest possible access, inclusiveness, and community engagement with the performing arts.

Give now

Endowment Gifts result in support that lasts forever and my be funded with:

  • Cash
  • Stocks
  • IRA Charitable Contributions
  • Donor Advised Funds
  • Charitable bequests in a will or trust

Broadway for Teens inaugural unveiling at Cuba High School. Popejoy awarded 45 Hamilton tickets to students and teachers in Cuba, New Mexico April 17, 2023

More Info

Goals of the Popejoy Hall Excellence Endowment:  

  • Affordability and Accessibility: Your gift helps to keep performance tickets affordable, ensuring the broadest possible access to the performing arts. 
  • Enhanced Educational Services and Outreach: Your gift funds the new educational program,  “Broadway for Teens” introducing New Mexico’s youth to Broadway’s most remarkable shows.
  • Operations: Your gift helps address the operational upkeep of the building, keeping the theater pristine and enriching the Popejoy experience for our visiting artists and patrons.  
  • High Artistic Quality: Your gift boosts the capacity to draw the very best shows, including familiar performances that attract repeat audiences and artistic innovators who broaden our horizons.

Help Staging our Future by providing lasting support for tomorrow’s audiences.

Give now

For more information, please contact:

Maryellen Missik-Tow
Development Director
(505) 277-2159
